Michael Green,BBS

Michael Green,BBS
Michael Green graduated with a B Eng. in electrical engineering from McGill University in Canada in 1962, after which he returned to H.K. to join his father at Arnhold. Under his leadership, the company has grown from a purely agency-based business, to an importing, manufacturing and exporting business, with global operations and subsidiaries. He was the founding chairman of the Fire Services Contractors Association, and is a member of various other engineering Institutions and Associations. Currently, he is responsible for the strategic planning and overall management of the Arnhold Group.

Daniel Green

Daniel Green
After gaining his degree in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, where graduated honours, Daniel worked in New York as a strategy consultant for Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), and then as an equity analyst for Sofaer Capital’s Global Hedge Fund. Daniel joined Arnhold in 2002 and is responsible for the operations of Arnhold and the Group companies.
Daniel is the Honorary Treasurer of the Hong Kong Exporters’ Association as well as an Independent Non-Executive Director and Member of the Executive Committee for Tai Ping Carpets International Limited.

Gareth Simpson

Gareth Simpson
Gareth graduated with a First Class degree in Accountancy from the University of Glasgow, and he currently handles the financial management and related strategic management initiatives of the Arnhold group. He is a Big 4 trained Finance Professional with 20 years of experience and extensive understanding of market trends, business drivers, and an in-depth knowledge of statutory legislation and regulations.
He began his career in Audit at Deloitte and has worked at several blue-chip companies including Hutchison Whampoa and Sony Pictures Entertainment, before joining Arnhold in 2020. Gareth is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales and a member of the HKICPA.

Joshua Green

Joshua Green
Joshua was appointed as a non-executive Director in March 2018 and serves on the Nomination Committee of the company. Joshua is Managing Director, Hong Kong of AlTi Tiedemann Global. He is also Co-Head of AlTi’s Hong Kong subsidiary and previously opened the Hong Kong office of the global hedge fund provider Gottex Fund Management. Joshua has a long history in the financial services industry. Earlier in his career, Joshua was a Research Analyst and Portfolio Manager at Sofaer Capital, an equity long/short hedge fund investing in Asia Pacific markets, and an Executive Manager at ABN AMRO Asset Management (Asia) Ltd. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Tufts University and is the son of the Non-Executive Chairman.

Thaddeus Beczak

Thaddeus Beczak
Mr. Beczak serves on the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company. He is currently the Chairman of China Renaissance Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, Vice Chairman of China Renaissance Holdings Limited, the non-executive Chairman of ACR Capital Holdings Pte Ltd, Artisan Du Luxe Holding Limited and an independent non-executive director of a number of listed companies in Hong Kong.

Mark Rhys

Mark Rhys
Mr. Rhys serves on the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales and a former Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in London. Before his retirement in 2003, Mr. Rhys was Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Limited.

Mervyn Jacob

Mervyn Jacob
Mr. Jacob was appointed as an independent non-executive director of the Company on 25 May 2021. He is also Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Company. Mr. Jacob has worked with the Price water house Coopers (PwC) network for his entire career. He retired from PwC Hong Kong in June 2020 after 25 years as a partner of the firm.
During his career, he worked with a broad range of clients in different industries in Ireland, Australia and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong he had responsibility for some of the firm’s largest clients in the region and has delivered various services including audit, due diligence, risk management and regulatory compliance reviews. He specialised in the financial services industry in Hong Kong and held various roles within PwC, including Financial Services Leader of the Hong Kong and mainland China firm for seven years, and was a member of the PwC Global Financial Services Executive.

Seung Chong

Seung Chong
Mr. Chong is a Solicitor and Principal of W.S. Chong & Co. Solicitors. Prior to founding the Firm in 2018, he practiced law for 27 years in international law firms in London, Hong Kong and Beijing. Seung advises on complex Corporate and Commercial matters, as well as on Private Wealth and Taxation engagements.
He is the author of “The Law and Practice of Mergers & Acquisitions in the People’s Republic of China” published by the Oxford University Press. He has also been on secondment in the equity capital markets joint venture of NM Rothschild and ABN AMRO. Seung has a Bachelor of Laws degree from Buckingham University, a Master of Laws degree from King’s College, London, and a Master of Science in Taxation from Oxford University.